Monday Weekly Prayer 5.3.2021


  • God will not accept our people-based, fleshly attempt to imitate His fire (Leviticus 10:1). We can come to the Lord just as we are but we may not choose to worship and serve Him in any way we please. When our worship and ministry focus on people’s effort and ingenuity, when we do His work with our own desires and our own plans without surrendering to His will, we are starting unauthorized fire. Pray that only God alone would be glorified in our lives, in our service towards Him and in our personal and corporate gatherings. 
  • Pray that God would help us connect the dots and help us to collaborate towards a common goal to see the Gospel reaching the ends of the earth. Pray that all who are interested to learn about movement and those who are practitioners would come together to strategize and to support each other. 
  • Pray that God would help us to have an unwavering vision towards disciple making movement. Pray that He would help us to differentiate “God’s thing” from all the good things we do. Pray that we would have a laser-focused vision to pursue His will so that all may hear that Jesus is Lord. 
  • Pray that God would remove all distractions and obstacles (people or situations) that are preventing us from giving our full attention toward His mission. 
  • Pray that He would raise up the new generation of godly men and women who would serve Him wholeheartedly in every state and every county. Pray for disciple-making movement to take place in every region in North America, particularly in your city or county.
  • Pray that God would prepare people who are hungry and thirsty for the truth. Pray that we would connect these people to Christ so that they would not only be healed, but be transformed into a vast army of the Almighty God.