Monday Weekly Prayer 3.22.2021


  • Jesus says, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me (Luke 9:23).” What is the one thing you must deny? What do you need to pick up daily in order to follow Jesus? Pray and ask God to reveal our disobedience and ask Him to show us His Will in our lives.
  • Pray that God would remove any people, ideas or things which could obstruct us from pursuing Kingdom Movement.
  • Pray that we as a team would understand the width, length, height and depth of Christ’s love. Pray that we would be complete in the fullness of God, that we would find our identity and security in Christ alone, so that we would overflow with His grace and not pour from our empty cup.
  • Pray that God would raise up a new generation for the movement that is about to emerge in the Bay Area and beyond. Pray for more faithful workers (including ourselves) to engage in active labor in the harvest. Pray that more seeds will be sowed and to be harvested in 2021.
  • Pray that God would point us to the person of peace in some of the most unreached people groups in the Bay Area such as the Palestinians, the Yemenis and the Afghans. Pray that more workers would engage in labor among the unreached people groups including the Muslim, the Hindus and the Buddhist.
  • Pray that as a network, Channel would be known to produce disciples who are radically obedient. Pray that God would cultivate a sacrificial heart in all of us so that we would do whatever it take to see His Kingdom come. Pray that God would lead us to some practical and immediate steps toward this kind of obedience.