Monday Weekly Prayer 6.28.2021


  1. Are we compelled by the love of God to preach the Good News (1 Corinthians 9:16)? Or are we sharing and obeying out of reluctance and responsibilities? Pray that God would allow our hearts to be filled with gratitude towards His love and His grace once again. Pray that we would be moved by His overwhelming love to live out a life worthy of His call. Pray that the work we do is not out of obligation, but a response to His grace.
  2. Is there any rights in your life that you are willing to give up for the sake Christ (1 Corinthians 9:18)? Ask the Lord to help you give up your rights (even the things you think you deserve). After all it’s a privilege to serve Him. Jesus doesn’t owe us anything, but we owe Him our lives.
  3. Paul disciplines his body like an athlete as he trains his body to do what it should (1 Corinthians 9:27). He does so with purpose so that everything he does would direct towards disciple-making and Gospel multiplication. Take a look at our schedule and ask the Lord: are we doing everything we can to spread the Good News (1 Corinthians 9:23)? Are we being intentional daily, weekly and monthly to make disciples who make disciples? Are we possessing what we teach? Ask the Lord about how we should adjust our schedule so that we could be more obedient toward His call to disciple-making.
  4. Jesus’ strategy of multiplication is to pour in deeply to the few. Ask the Lord who we should pour deeply into. Who is our two or three?  Is there anyone in your life in which you can invest your time in? Pray that the Lord would help you to narrow your focus. 
  5. Pray for your city/county and ask the Lord where the problem areas are. Where do injustice take place? Which area has the highest crime rate? Which area does not reflect God’s Kingdom and is in need of His hope and His miracles? Pray to remove any strongholds or curses in the name of Jesus. Pray to ask God for forgiveness on behalf of the people. Pray for His deliverance and His mercy to come upon this area. Pray that God will raise up a person of peace from that area so that he/she can continue the work in the harvest.