Monday Weekly Prayer 6.7.2021


  1. While Jesus shared the most devastating news about His death, His disciples began to argue among themselves about who is the greatest (Luke 22:24). We laughed and wondered why the disciples of Jesus could be so immature and inappropriate, and yet time and again we try to compare our ministry work with others who are not doing the same thing we do. Have we ever dismiss others’ by judging their lack of efforts or intentionality? Let us repent. Paul reminds us that we should evaluate ourselves with honesty. Appreciate others by learning about their strengths. After all we belong to the same body, and everyone in the Kingdom plays an important part. We should love others genuinely without pretending (Romans 12:3-9). Pray that our genuinely love and appreciation for one another would bring true unity in Christ.
  2. Pray that Jesus’ disciples (let it be us if God is willing) would have the courage to get to the darkest places in our community to bring about light. Pray that we would be willing and prepared to get into the messiest relationships and the most hopeless situations to share the hope of Jesus. Pray that His disciples would dare to fight the enemy head-on while push against the darkness and let the light of Christ shine.
  3. As we begin to see some of the kingdom work taking shape, let us pray to seek God’s guidance and protection. Pray that God would protect the seeds sown. Pray that the Word planted in the hearts of the individuals would take root and grow. Pray that these people would thirst more for the truth and be willing to learn and obey.
  4. Pray that God would remove the false hope for victory and security in us (psalm 33:16-17). Pray that we would not rely on our resources or past experience to win. Pray that we would solely rely on the Holy Spirit as we desperately seek His guidance. Wait on Him and have hope in the Lord. 
  5. Pray that God would remove any people, ideas or things which could obstruct us from pursuing Kingdom Movement.